Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks?

Well here it comes, brace yourself for a bunch of shiz! So a lot, a lot has happened in the past 2-3 months since I last updated this. Ok lets start from where I left off, well about a week after my last post my car was broken into and I was hit upside the face with a beer bottle, its a long story and old news at this point haha. So moving on, I went home for fall break and had a great time just relaxing and hanging out with the fam. Its always nice to have a dose of home, to bring me back to reality sometimes. Well after that I wasn't planning on going home again till Thanksgiving, but Alex went in for an ultrasound and we found out the baby had a severe heart defect, so I rushed home to be with her. It was bad, really bad. Aortic stenosis, as the doctor was explaining it I knew exactly what he was talking about thank you A&P 2. I lost it, I broke down not completely because I was so upset about the baby, but that it was happening to my baby sister. Anyways I stayed home for 5 days, but had to come back to school. A week after I left, mom and Alex went to Dallas, Tx to hopefully find someone out there who could help the baby, since no one was really equipped to help any closer. Anyways they were there for a week, and we all really hopeful. Then Alex's water broke and they did an emergency c-section. Little Emory Zayne Thayer fought a tough battle but died shortly after birth.

Ok so that was the update now here is what i'm feeling: aldjfkdajflkdjflkdjflkjdkladflkjf;kjd;klfjdl;kfjdl;kjfdlk;ajf;ksdjfoirewuiorjkv!!!!
I think that explains the past few months of life pretty well, a jumbled up shit fest! I'm an emotional diaster and the only thing that keeps me from losing it completely are my sisters. Joining AST as seriously been a life changing decision for me and honestly I would have fallen apart a loooooong time ago if not for their constant support. Today, I would have spent Thanksgiving alone but one of my sisters Melsco, brought me food and spent a good part of the day with me, we laughed, I drank, we had a good ole time haha. I have a hard time dealing with my emotions, typically I put on a happy face and just keep it inside. But I can honestly say loosing my nephew, a sweet, precious, little baby that I never even got to hold has been the most difficult thing I have ever had to deal with. There is a void there now, for months the excitement was there, his baby shower was supposed to be this weekend, and now nothing just grief. Grief is one of those emotions that you really can't describe, to me there are different types of grief. The grief you feel when you lose an elderly loved one is sad, but at the same time you feel at ease because you know they lived a long, fufilled life.But the death of a child, at any age is never right, they havent lived, havent experienced life, a first step, a first word, its those little life experiences that you mourn and yearn for. I'm so proud of my sister for being strong, I know she has a long grieving process ahead, but she's strong and she will get through it. I'm proud of my mom for being there for her, and helping her thru this when we all know the easiest thing to do would be to break down, she has not. I just want to thank everyone for their support during this time, and please continue to pray, these wounds will not be easily healed.

--Life is filled with happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, laughter and other emotions but when life gets you down, just be strong about it and keep your head up high and have faith in all things in life. Always remember: God is at your side, always.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Up?

Ello loves what up?? Well I have an extremely busy 2 weeks and it just keeps getting crazier! So as many of you know I had pnuemonia last week yes pneumonia. I cant seem just to catch an ordinary sickness no I have to get pneumonia! But anyways after being dead to the world last week, life marched on. I also joined a fabulous sorority Alpha Sigma Tau!! Lovely ladies, love them to pieces already!! However now I am obsessed with making letter shirts and cant seem to stop. Like I said I have been busy!!! I am ready for the weekend, hopefully going to a party tomorrow night, then we have a carwash saturday and then going to see Easy A!! I am soososo exicted I've been wanting to see that movie since Eclipse came out and I saw the previews! Oh and for those of you who I dont see, my hair is now brown again!! I realized today how much I missed it:) I cannot wait to go home in 2 weeks, I miss my family sosoos much. Uhhh you think since its been a while since I posted I would have more to say, but i'm drawing a blank so goodnight all.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Everybody is lovin it!

Due to the unusual amount of responses I have been getting to this here blog, I'm gonna try to post more often. By the way I love that yall love it:) So this weekend was great to say the least. Good company and good times. I went downtown Friday night to wild wings and saw some pretty drunk people. Danced with an extremely intoxicated old man to great live music and seriously had a blast. Except he was kinda a creeper. But it was all in good fun. I'm still home alone, Emily is supposed to be back Wednesday, so I hear through the grapevine. My labor day holiday weekend is actually 4 days, since I dont have class on Tuesdays, but none the less my hellish week begins tomorrow as I try to conquer biology and get in some last minute studying for the TEAS. I watched New Moon last night, I hadn't seen it since I went to the theaters last year when it came out. And I realized just how cheesey it was the second time around haha. I've been browsing youtube for the past 2 hours, just listening to random people sing, and if you saw my facebook the dog with the roman candle, was the funniest thing I have seen in a while. I laughed my ass off. Hmm i'm experiencing a little writers block, so here a few random things:
1. I've killed an unusual amount of cochroaches in my apt since emily has been gone. Gross.
2. Lucy is a devil. Well I already pointed that out, but I wanted to reiterate.
3. For some reason eating a BLT is comforting to me. I think that goes back to the days of always ordering one at the Collegiate on the square.
4. I've been sleeping a lot during the day and less at night. Bad habit.
5. Taking chances and going out on a limb, is the best thing you could ever do!!
6. I've been watching Anthony Bourdain all dayyyyyyy.
7. My next trip home is planned for Fall Break, which is sometime in October. Mark your calendars peeps.
Errrr I guess this is all for now, unless I can think of some word vomit in a bit.

Tata Loves

For My Mommy:)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home Alone

Yep it's true my fabulous roommate has left me in Savannah all by my lonesome. She finished up her 1st quater of pharm school and went home to her lover boy:). True I am more of a loner and love the quiet but for some ungodly reason I am so freaking lonesome. I seriously spent 2 hours at walmart today and too much money. Speaking of which the one downfall of living on my own is buying groceries, it sucks. I love shopping for food dont get me wrong but watching the total add up on my purchases is downright depressing. Good news is I get my financial aid check tomorrow, so for a little while I wont be a broke college student. Labor Day is coming up, and no I'm not going home, too much drama and heartbreak. It's easier to just keep my distance and deal with this my own way. So I will keep myself busy studying for my busy week ahead, I'm taking the TEAS, which is the nursing entrance exam and I am terrified although I've been reassured that I will be fine. Standardized tests just FREAK me out. Speaking of school, I'm really enjoying my classes this semester especially my microbiology lab, its fun to play with ecoli and other nasty things twice a week. My teachers are funny and witty and just my style. I'm hoping for all A's:)Back to being by myself, I made a huge mistake today and rented a sappy, sad, chick flick. The last Song with miley cyrus and liam hemsworth aka HOTTIE! I of course cried my eyes out at the end which i wont give away, since there was no one here to see me I just let my emotions run rampant ahaha. Overall it was a good movie, Nicholas Sparks is by far one of my fave authors, but the movies never do his books justice, which is typical just look at Twilight. But oh what I wouldnt give for a summer romance like the one in the movies:)Or maybe just a little romance now. But we will save that sob story for another blog. Anyways I guess I've blabbed enough for now.

Tata Loves

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I love My BFF!!!

I have the best friend anyone could ask for. Only she could call me at 1am and talk to me for 2 hours and keep me awake with her crazy, drama filled life:) I love trying to convince her to speak whats on her mind, even though I know she is too nice to. And most of all I miss her dearly:( Loveeee you Ginger

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why me???

I am somewhat confused as to why the landscapers are now coming on Tuesdays aka my day to sleep in!!! They used to come on Mondays but I am sure they come this day just to annoy me right? Haha. Anyways I'm making the most out of my day off and soaking up some sun:) be jealous!